Chumo also known as Njeri Chelimo wants to get the funds to start Nairobi Developer School to encourage women and other minority groups to join the tech world in order to reduce the gender imbalance in the industry. Chumo believes everyone has the right to be good programmer even with denial to attend the best schools in the world.
Earlier, Chumo ran an campaign on the same platform to attend New York’s Hacker School. She raised $4200 but was denied a US tourist even after gaining admission to the New York Hacker School.
The failure to join Hacker School did not deter her from pursuing her dreams but has been a motivation to the 19 year old girl who is now set to start the Nairobi Developer School no matter what happens, in the end she will help other women in a similar like hers.
The Nairobi Developer school‘s aim is to make sure that there are equal chances for all especially women, to be good programmers by giving numerous young East Africans a chance to learn, improve their programming skills, and build awesome technology for Africa. Classes at the school will be offered for free for the first three months for business oriented and the needy. So far, she has raised $12,640 of the $50,000 target goal, She only has four days left to meet the target.
She also needs voluntary campaigners of the same to help in coming up with ideas and launch discussions on how they would love to see the school be like and also share the idea loud and wide.
For the donors, there will be wonderful humble packages, depending on how much you would wish to donate as listed: For those who will donate;
1. $10 you will receive a big thank you in Swahili
2. $25You will get an awesome Nairobi Dev school sticker for your laptop
3. $ 50: You will get priority membership by joining the list of members who have a privilege to know all that the school builds.
4. $ 100: Your name shall appear on one of the founding supporters
5. $ 250: You will be listed in their website which is currently under construction
6: $ 500: You will be sent a T-shirt design
7: $ 1000: You will be sent a T-shirt of Dev School
8: $ 1500: Your name will be affixed to a chair specifically bought for Nairobi Dev school
9: $ 2000: Your name will be affixed to a desk specifically purchased for Nairobi Dev school
10: $2500: Your name will be made on a sticker together with a big heart, which will be stuck on a computer bought for Nairobi Dev School.
Support the good cause, make Africa be tech savvy by starting small. And that small is beginning from the Nairobi Dev School!