
Nigerian First Lady’s Child Online Protection Role Appends Momentum To Initiatives

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patience jonathan

The Communications Ministry of Nigerian has given its word of honor to give support to Nigeria’s First Lady, Patience Jonathan, in her role as ITU’s Child Online Protection champion; a role which was given to her by UN ITU.

ITU Secretary-General Hamadoun Touré said in formalizing her role: “Under her guidance, the Government of Nigeria is now taking extensive steps to ensure a safer online environment for children. ITU is looking forward to collaborating even more closely with Nigeria to build a better future for our children.”

Among her responsibilities, Dame Patience Jonathan will work toward creating a safe environment for children while they are on the internet, as well as push for reforms not only in the Africa region but across the globe.

Ms. Jonathan, who is also President of the African First Ladies Peace Mission, pledged to “join hands with ITU to secure the children of the world from the dangers of cybercrime.”

Minister Omobola Johnson believed that the ITU had chosen the First Lady of Nigeria to be its Child Online Protection champion for her passion in championing the cause of women and children in Nigeria and Africa. She said that Nigeria is already doing a number of things to protect children online but the installation of the First Lady would add impulsion to the delivery and success of the initiative.


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