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Mobile Money Proves Useful Once Again in Kenya’s Attack

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Image: Safaricom

Mobile money has once again proven useful in mobilizing funds when disaster strikes in Kenya, with Safaricom’s M-Pesa aiding in collecting over Kshs32 Million barely 24 hours after launch.

In a funds collection drive dubbed #WeAreOne, Safaricom once again launched a PayBill number through which funds are being collected towards helping the victims of the Saturday attack at Westage shopping mall, that saw over 69 people killed and over 175 others injured.

“Let us come together to support victims and families of the #Westgate Mall Tragedy by donating on M-PESA PayBill 848484,” Safaricom posted yesterday on its official Facebook Page.

In less than three hours since posting the message, Safaricom reported that over Kshs4 million had been collected Kenyans and other well wishers, illustrating the power of both Mobile money and social media in the country.

Safaricom and other mobile services operators have always used their mobile money platforms to pull together financial resources from well wishers across the East African nation when disaster strikes, with a notable example being the Kenyans for Kenya fundraiser.

In the fundraiser held back in 2011, millions were collected towards helping the hunger stricken in the Northern part of the country.

This is just an example of how mobile money has changed how funds are collected in times of need.

Once again, feel free to donate via M-Pesa paybill number 84 84 84 towards helping the victims.

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