
Chinese NGO Sponsors 600 Zambian Youth For Technical Skills Training

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Many African youth are unemployed

Some 600 youth in Zambia are set to receive employment in addition to various technical skills training following an agreement that The National Project for Poverty Reduction (NPPR) signed with a Chinese NGO.

While reports say that the youth are pursuing courses in power electrical, general agriculture, plumbing and metal fabrication, others are already admitted to various trades colleges in the country are pursuing training in food production, Information Communication Technology (ICT), cosmetology and auto mechanics, noted NPPR Board Chair Ngosa Simbyakula during the launch of the project held in Lusaka.

The launch came at a time reports have revealed the increasing trend of Zambian youth being unemployed. Nevertheless, while the NPPR is aware that the tasks of creating employment cannot be tackled by the Government alone, Simbyakula noted that the involvement of majority stake holders complimented by partnership with International agencies, NGOs, foundations is essential if the goals and potential of many youth and women in Zambia are to be realized using skills training in various fields.

Yet, over 80 per cent of the 13 million Zambians especially the youth under 35 years, lack regular  sources of income with concerts that the government has not created jobs for youth.

During the launch in which at least 50 youth that were studying at Lusaka Business and Technical College received the NPPR and CFPD scholarships, he emphasized that it was the intention of his team to contribute to the transformation of Zambia’s economy by focusing on skills development in sectors with high employment opportunities.

Thus, the NPPR has set its eyes on promoting skills development for youth and women in agriculture, manufacturing, tourism and construction sectors to enable them to earn a living.

Also during the launch, the NPPR executive secretary Antony Kasandwe noted that technical and vocational skills training are essential in the country’s development process, adding that to achieve necessary material growth, to make youth and women constructive, the initiative has its focus on empowerment through skills training.

To support the Government’s industrialization efforts the NPPR is now expanding access to skills training to address the inadequate supply of requisite skills that target areas such as Tourism, Agriculture Construction and Manufacturing.


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