Nigeria’s Authentic Spare Parts Set to Offer 12-Hour Car Spare Parts Delivery Across the Country

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945481_555353037876672_671762640_nAuthentic Spare Parts is an on-line store for new and used (tokunbo) auto parts in Nigeria founded  by Emmanuel Paul and Ini Akpan, CEO and M.D respectively.

The two have been selling to the wholesale market in Nigeria for a number of years (and continue to do so) and say they know auto parts and understand the needs of the Nigerian market.

In an Interview with TechMoran, Akpan said, “We decided to open our first store in 2013 to address the needs of the public directly.  We stock Honda and Toyota parts at the store, but we have access to other vehicle brands as well.  We sell everything from quality engines to tools and accessories and everything in between.”

Authentic Spare Parts has a physical location at FedokOby Service Station on the LekkiEpe Axis where customers can come and chat with its sales team regarding their needs.  The store also has a mechanic on standby to help customers buy what they really need for their cars.  Through theirsite, individuals and companies can manage and monitor their purchase history.



The site works simply. Customers who visit can browse, purchase and make payments online with their debit card, credit card, bank deposits.  Registration will allow customers to track their purchase history online, however, they can proceed through the purchase and payment system as a “guest”.  Once the payment has been made the customer can go to their store to pick up the item(s) at their convenience. The firm is set to begin offering the delivery of purchases by June 2014.


According to the founders there are many auto parts dealers in Nigeria.  However, not as focused on the customer experience like they are; and they also offer a variety of both authentic and quality new and tokumbo parts online and with a physical location.


18381_502397589838884_1956679492_nAkpan says they are driven by the need to address their customers needs, “there is a sense of hopelessness and fear when it comes to buying auto parts.  This sense of hopelessness and fear is lifted once they walk through our doors and our staff puts them at ease.  Hearing from our customers about their positive buying experience pushes me to wake up every day and run the Company. “


He also adds that realizing the vastness of their country (with over 170 million people)  and the needs that still need to be met makes them realize how far they have to go.  He says they get calls from Abuja, Ogun State, AkwaIbom State, Plateau, Rivers and many others, asking us how we can meet their needs for parts and as they fulfill this, they hope to be one of the top e-commerce companies, one of the top customer-friendly companies, and one of the best companies to work for in Nigeria.

Akpa is happy that mobile devices are making their way into Africa at a high rate, even ready to beat the first world. he says mobile devices are fueling the uptake of data and content and opening more opportunity for online businesses like his as users turn online for content. The self funded startup is not where it wants to be but as long as it is online, it can reach users from across the country who need spare parts for their cars.

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