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Jambojet To Lease Safaricom’s Facilities To Increase Customer Care Capacity.

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Kenya Airway’s latest product Jambojet has since its launch received overwhelming audience and will henceforth use Safaricom’s call centre facilities in order to increase capacity for customer care.

The move by the airline is to extend service to its customers as well as avoid congestion for inquiries and queries concerning the three launched domestic flights to Mombasa, Kisumu and Eldoret which cost 2,850 for a one-way ticket the cheapest among all airlines.

Leasing Safaricom’s facilities will double up the call handling capacity after an overwhelming month, April where Kenyans rushed to snap up the low cost tickets with more than 8,000 bookings recorded. Jambojet however advices its clients to book the tickets weeks in advance especially for public holiday travel to enjoy the lowest fare possible since the prices go up to KES11,850.

The launch of the piece was to “grow the pie and add new passengers on board and not to steal passengers from KQ as it would appear.

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