Africa Europe Business Forum 2014 To Show European Businesses The Road To High Growth Business Sectors In Africa

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ABI MEDIA Group, The African Business Review, The African Financial Review  and the ExCel London,  are teaming up to present the Africa Europe Business Forum 2014 on 23 and 24 July 2014 at the Excel Centre in London.

AEBF 2014 will provide a crucial opportunity for African and European businesses to do business within the fastest growing African economies, currently providing some of the highest rates of return on investment in the world.

The two-day conference will focus on Africa’s unrivalled business opportunities for both African and European companies in banking and financial services; agribusiness; telecommunications and ICT, power, oil and gas, renewable energy; and consumer goods.

With 1000 delegates consisting of decision makers from European and African private and public sectors and eminent speakers, the AEBF 2014 main objectives are to provide:

  • Unparalleled opportunities to network and establish business relationships with global business leaders and policy makers, including one-to-one meetings.
  • A platform for business leaders, chambers of commerce, banks and governmental organizations from Europe and Africa to meet with bankers, institutional and private investors
  • Access to trade opportunities in Africa for African and European investors across the fastest growing industry sectors such as ICT, Power, Oil and Gas, Consumer goods etc.
  • Access to solutions to overcome perceived barriers to entry and expansion into the fastest growing African markets, in particular concerns surrounding accountability, transparency and corporate governance.
  • Access to trading and business models based that guarantee sustained return on investment.
  • Access to leading businesses and partnership and investment opportunities in fast growing businesses from Africa

The Africa Europe Business Forum 2014 is an essential event for those seeking to capitalize on opportunities for bilateral trade and investment in African markets.  It is also a vital meeting point for those seeking to establish a presence in Africa’s rapid growth sectors.

Zara Ruban, co-director of ABI Media says, “At a time when the European Commission is promoting internationalization of opportunities for European SMEs and encouraging them to plug into new market opportunities in emerging markets and UKTI is devoting £500m to 1000 UK businesses seeking to internationalize their business beyond the European borders, AEBF 2014 will provide unique opportunity to UK and European businesses, investors, and SMEs to establish business relations with key African business, governmental organizations and policy makers.”


The conference is supported by Clyde & Co, Courteville Business Solutions, East Africa Chamber of Commerce, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Government of South Sudan, and many others.

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