TechMoran Goes Live to intesify the Fight for Abducted Chibok Girls

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BpMaJhDIMAAEyMR.jpg largeSince  April 14, 2014 when 234 girls were abducted at the Government Science Secondary School Chibok, Borno State thousands have come out urging the government to do something to bring the girls home and alive.

Seems the pressure is just heating up and the campaign just began.

A new site has been launched today to help agregate all the tweets to mount pressure on the government to act fast and bring the girls home. The site has a Twitter feed, a Petion feed and a news feed. The feeds curates all the |Bringbackourgirls tweets, online petitions and news together.

One prominent campaign member, former Minister of Education, Oby Ezekwesili has not kept silent over the ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ campaign calling the government to act fast and calling her followers and other campaign members  by urging everyone not to relent the fight, lest the government forgets about the innocent girls.



Though accused of idleness, Dr. Oby, during a youth conference in Port Harcourt, where she was the guest speaker said people should think about the state of the girls and not to forget and live as if everything was normal.

“Just imagine that it was anything close to your family that more than 200 children of poor families went to school and the next story is that they’ve been taken away. Then everybody in our society just goes around like everything is normal. Well, if it’s normal for you, it’s not normal for me.”

Another supporter Tweeted;


And UNICEF added its voice to it;


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