Speaking to TechMoran, Derrick Agyiri, founder and CEO EverZero said, ” Simpson has joined us. He came with an open cheque book and is ready to handle all bills relating to the project including administrative work . Simpson invested undisclosed amount into EverZero.”
Agyiri says the investor and the investments will help the firm move faster towards its goals of making payments as seamless as possible. The seed investor has already secure partnerships with banks in UK for the startup to work with.
Presently the Chairman of the Derrington Group which focuses on property, finance and media and provides solutions for companies, funds and private clients in the above sectors, James has co-founded numerous internet ventures and been featured in The Sunday Times Young Rich List in 2010 and 2011.
James will compliment Agyiri’s financial software background as a co-founder and help the firm connect with financial institutions and financial software firms.
Delighted about the move Simpson said, “There is a huge requirement for mobile payment solutions to enable customers to transact online without the requirement of a debit/credit card and/or even a bank account. Partnering with Derrick in Ghana was a natural progression for us to begin investing into Africa within the Tech/Media arena.”
“EverZero is a free mobile prepaid payment solution that allows you to pay cash online or pay any mobile number instantly. The solution allows anyone to pay any telephone number in the world in their local currency, generate a one time virtual debit card for online merchants, scan and pay in your local stores by using QR Code, load cash from any of our sales outlets just like buying phone credits.
The firm says merchants and developers can now accept cash by integrating its API to the mobile or web application minus a Bank Account, Charge-Backs and the ability to pay directly to co-branded Visa, MasterCard and eTranzact debit cards.