
Kenyan Entrepreneur Tells CNN ‘AFRICAN START-UP’ About His Life-Saving Invention

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CNN African Start-up got hold of Charles Muchene, owner of Clad Light Limited and he narrated the perils he experiences in running his motorcycle apparel business.

“After I cleared my campus life, I ventured into robotics and electronics. So one time I thought of putting lights on my (bike) jacket and then towards the end of 2013, I heard of the NaiLab, a business incubator that offers 6 months incubation for start ups, so I applied and after I pitched my idea, they thought it could be a viable business idea based on the increased number of accidents,” Muchene tells CNN African Start-Up.

After the training at NaiLab, Clad Lights made their first invention the ‘Smart Jacket’. This was a vest made to increase the visibility motorcyclists on the road. The vest had remote controlled lights so as to indicate clearly the intent to turn right, left or break when riding the motorcycle.

Despite an initial positive response, Muchene has yet to sell a Smart Jacket, but his plan is to collaborate with a range of sectors, making them available to a broad audience base.

For more on Clad Light Limited, don’t miss African Start-Up’, Wednesday 1 October on ‘Connect the World’ at 1800 on CNN International.

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