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South Africa’s Refer2Earn Wants You to Refer a Friend & Earn Revenue

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canvasSouth Africa’s Refer2Earn has launched a business referral application for South African citizens in a move that will see them earn money by referring family, friends and associates to insurers thereby creating jobs and as well helping firms hit their sales targets.

The mobile app allows users to earn income on quotes, sales, or refferals for jobs and tasks in exchange for cash or redeemed for airtime, electricity and cash. In a move set to transform the app market when it comes to quick, easy and sustainable job creation, Refer2Earn. Through this, consumers can even have their earnings cashed out or transferred into a bank account of their choice.

With a population of 25.5 percent unemployed, Brent Thomson, MD of Refer2Earn said the launch of the initiative is right on time. “There is still a need and an opportunity for the creation of immediate, sustainable and easy-to-access jobs; ones that provide an opportunity for anyone with access to a smartphone (Android and Apple at this stage) to earn a living. Refer2Earn does not just offer earning opportunities on a one-off basis, but, instead, it focuses on providing ongoing earning opportunities – at the discretion of the individual – and, more importantly, a medium-term earning potential exists as people get fees paid at each stage of the referral process.” For one to use the free app, they have to download and register their biodata and then take a photo of their ID, then they are good to go and can refer a firm’s products to their family, friends and associates and then start earning on the spot.

Users of the app are able to monitor the status report of their referral and as well have access to a real-time statement showing how much they have each earned. One can either withdarw the cash at ATMs or as well redeem it fir prepaid airtime, electricity among other essentials. The firm says the Refer2Earn application is linked to a payroll system to help track one’s income and allowing for easy tax managent.  Earlier, a similar site dubbed hiring bounty launched similar services.

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