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This Is Why Ethiopia Has Cut Off Phone Internet Services

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Ethiopia has cut off phone internet services followed by military ambush.

In response to an ambush on troops in Tigray Region in Ethiopia their prime minister Abiy Ahmed cut off the internet and phone services which was followed by a military deployment. Currently the country has declared a 6 month state of emergency after Tigray was accused of threatening the sovereignty of Ethiopia.

Access Now reported and said:

“The government of Ethiopia has again shut down the internet, Mobile network, fixed-line internet and landline telephony have been cut in Tigray, as PM (Abiy Ahmed) declares a state of emergency and orders military intervention against Tigray People’s Liberation Front.”

A statement issued by Abiys office said that the Front was responsible for the ambush on a military camp commanded by the Ethiopian National Defence Forces in Tigray. Internet platforms cannot be accessed as well although the capital has not clarified on the cut-off claims.

The news organization said:

“Reporting on conflicts is never an easy task, but it is important that journalists are able to reach sources on the ground to update the world on the condition and safety of civilian citizens who are possibly caught in the crossfire of such conflicts,”

They also added:

“As an independent media based in Ethiopia and concerned about the safety of civilian citizens, with a responsibility to provide the local and international community with factual updates, and in this age when we struggle with the proliferation of fake news, we kindly ask the government to let the truth be upheld and allow the restoration of all means of communication in Tigray regional state.”

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