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What are Ticket Proxies and Why You Need Them?

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Over the course of many years, individual businesses have been making money via ticket sites by scoring hundreds and thousands of tickets at a time and selling them at higher prices. Such individuals have been in business since the beginning of the entertainment industry. From music concerts to sports games, tickets sell within minutes. 

Initially, one had to purchase tickets manually from the spots, but now with the advancement in technology, businesses have evolved as well. From physical selling hubs, sellers have shifted to online major ticket sites and use ticket proxies to score hundreds of tickets at a time using proxies and automated bots. 

Sounds cool, right? Seems like a great business idea, probably not a completely legal one but the one that gets you profits. So if you are new to the whole proxy business, here is a detailed explanation of what ticket proxies are and why you need them. So continue reading to find out more. 

What are Ticket Proxies?

Every system connected to the internet has a unique IP address which helps the web servers’ identity individual systems and tracks their usage. Your laptop, your phone and your PC – all three devices have different IP addresses. Similarly, your neighbours’ digital devices will have unique IP addresses as well. 

So when you connect to the internet and visit a ticket selling site to order hundreds of tickets at once, the web servers and monitors get suspicious of your activity and might end up blocking your IP address. That is because such websites only allow a single user to purchase a limited number of tickets for a specific event. 

Common individuals might be okay with it but not individuals or businesses that are planning on purchasing in bulk quantities. Therefore in order to hide your original IP address and purchase in bulk quantities, you need ticket proxies.

Ticket proxies are a gateway between your device’s IP address and the internet. In simple terms, a proxy is an IP address that isn’t linked to your computer, much like a VPN. Instead of using your IP address, you route your system via a proxy server and access various different IP addresses to access the internet. In your case, that would be to access the ticket sites such as Ticketmaster.  

Benefits of Ticket Proxies 

The reason why many buyers tend to use ticket proxies for scoring large sums of tickets is that they are highly reliable and offer a wide range of other benefits to both individuals and businesses. Here are a few of those benefits;

  1. Accuracy 

Proxies are often linked to automated bots. Both the technologies are based on programming, which means that they only do what you ask them to do. This means there is little to no room for mistakes when using proxies and automated bots to score tickets online.

  1. Automation

Instead of purchasing tickets yourself, setting up proxies along with automated bots allow you to purchase hundreds and thousands of tickets within a few hours automatically. All you have to do is a checkup on them from time to time, and that is all. 

  1. Enhanced Security 

Proxies help hide your actual location. So even if using proxies to score tickets is illegal, the only thing websites can do is block the proxies. There is no technology at present that can help one trace the proxies back to your original IP address. 

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