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How to Hide the File Downloads Bar in Google Chrome.

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A Download bar shows at the bottom of the screen whenever you start a download in Chrome to show the progress of the download. Keeping track of the download is undoubtedly useful, but the problem is that it persists long after the download is complete.

It continues to take up space at the bottom until you tap the icon. Now, if you’re annoyed by Chrome’s persistent file downloads bar and wish to disable it, you’ve come to the perfect spot. I’ve included two options for hiding the File Downloads bar in Chrome.

Chrome’s Downloads Bar can be disabled or hidden.

Disable Download Bar is the first extension that I recommend to all of you. It disables the download bar, as the name implies, and the claims are true.

When you install the extension in Chrome, the download bar will immediately disappear the next time you download something.

To check the status of your download, go to the Downloads area by hitting CTRL+J on Windows or COMMAND+J on Mac. Alternatively, you may view downloads by tapping on the three-dot menu and then selecting Downloads.


AutoHideDownloadsBar is the next plugin I offer for you. It functions in the same way as the previous extension.

There are a few options to experiment with, such as whether you want a download bar to appear until the download is complete. You can also choose how long the download bar should remain visible once a download is completed. You can look into these options, however the core issue of removing the download bar will be resolved anyway.

This article explained how to disable or conceal the file download bar in Google Chrome. Despite the lack of a built-in option in Chrome settings, adding one of the above-mentioned extensions and getting started takes only seconds. I hope this helps you to have a clutter-free Chrome experience. 

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