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How to Disable Updates on Windows 11.

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If you know why you’re disabling updates, use the methods we’ve recommended above. However, if you’re on the fence about disabling Windows updates, maybe a little more information about them will help you decide.

When you turn off Windows updates, you will not receive the regular cumulative updates for Windows 11, nor will you receive any of the frequently released security patches or bug fixes.

It’s possible that you won’t get any system driver updates for a while. If you need to install drivers and patches while Windows updates are disabled, you must do so manually.

How to stop updates on Windows 11

Before you do anything else, keep in mind that Windows updates, for the most part, are quite safe, and it is recommended that you keep them turned on if you want to take advantage of all the cumulative updates and performance boosts that come with them.

However, now and then, a bad patch is released that introduces bugs and breaks features. So, if you like to review updates before downloading and installing them, or if you want to stop them entirely, here’s how to do it in Windows 11.

Pause updates for 1 week from the Settings menu

Because Windows 11 is still in its early stages, you won’t have any other time-frame options for pausing updates, nor will you be able to specify one. More ‘Pause updates’ options are expected as newer builds of Windows 11 are released via — you guessed it — Windows updates.

Turn off the Windows Update Service.

You must use the ‘Services’ window to completely disable Windows 11 updates. Here’s how to go about it:

Using Group Policy Editor, you can disable or limit updates.

For Windows Professional, Enterprise, and Education editions, the Group Policy Editor is a useful tool. Here’s how to limit or completely disable Windows updates:

Disable or limit updates from the registry

Similarly to the previous method, you can disable Windows updates entirely or change the configuration of Windows updates via the Registry. Here’s how to do it:

2 – Notify for download and auto install. (recommended)

3 – Automatic download and installation notification.

4 – Schedule the download and installation.

5 – Allow local administrators to configure settings.

7 – Allow download, notify installation, and notify restart.

Enter only the number, depending on how you want the Windows updates to be configured. For example, we want to be notified for download and auto-install, so we set the value to ‘2’. Then press the OK button.

It should be noted that these options function identically to the Group Policy method, with the sole exception of not being able to completely disable updates. The recommended option number 2 is the only one that comes close to disabling Windows Updates. To make the changes take effect, restart your computer.

Set a Metered Connection

Setting up a metered connection is another way to prevent Windows from automatically updating. This informs Windows that you have limited bandwidth and that updates are not a high priority. Here’s how you can do it:

That’s all there is to it! You’ve now configured a metered connection, and Windows updates will be disabled for the time being. However, this is not the best way to stop Windows updates because critical security updates can still be downloaded and installed. Furthermore, with a metered connection, some critical apps, such as OneDrive or any of the ‘Store apps,’ may not be updated.

Microsoft’s Show/Hide troubleshooter can be used to hide updates.

To disable or stop Windows 11 updates, use a third-party app.

On Windows 11, several third-party apps can disable or completely stop updates. In addition to the Show/Hide troubleshooter that we previously discussed, the Win Update Stop application is another tool that can be used to disable updates.

All you have to do is run the setup, launch the application, and use the one-click interface to enable or disable updates quickly.

You might also want to try Windows Update Blocker, a portable application that allows you to quickly disable updates. Download the file using the link above, then extract the contents and run the application. After that, all you have to do is check the box next to ‘Disable Updates’ and then click ‘Apply Now.’

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