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How to Claim Your Deceased Relatives’ M-PESA and M-Shwari Funds

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We will all die eventually, and when that time comes, we may need to keep our homes in order.

In this case, many people died with large sums of money in their M-PESA accounts. The funds, which may also take the form of M-Shwari savings, can be claimed by the deceased’s immediate family members.

However, there is a process for obtaining that money, and Safaricom has a procedure in place to ensure that only authorized parties have access to these funds.

Before the money can be released, the claimant must visit one of the company’s many retail locations and provide documents for inspection and approval.

If you want to participate in the exercise, you must submit the following documents:

Armed with the aforementioned documents, the claimant should proceed as follows to access the deceased’s funds:

Here are some of the reasons why this exercise is beneficial:

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