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How to Clear Cache on your iPhone or iPad.

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Cached files and other files, such as History files, are designed to speed up an app and take up more storage space than you might think, or perhaps a specific app is having issues with cached data and can’t refresh with live data. In that case, you’ll need to clear your iPhone’s memory, caches, and unwanted data. In this article, we will show you how to clear the cache on your iPhone or iPad. You can also use the steps below to remove unwanted data such as cookies and junk files to make your iPhone/iPad run faster than ever.

How to Clear iPhone and iPad Cache

The steps below clear all Safari cookies and web data cached on your device, but AutoFill information remains unchanged. It’s worth noting that when you clear Safari browsing history on a device running iOS 11 or higher, the same logs are cleared on any other devices that are signed in to the same iCloud account.

How to Clear iPhone Cache for Third-Party Apps

The method for clearing the cache used by third-party apps on your iPhone varies depending on the app. Slack, for example, has a cache reset option in the main Settings app (Settings -> Slack -> Reset cache on next launch), whereas individual WhatsApp conversations can be controlled from within the chat app (Settings -> Data and Storage Usage -> Storage Usage).

If you suspect an app is unnecessarily storing data on your iPhone but can’t find an equivalent option to clear its cache, the best option is to check the iOS iPhone Storage screen.

It’s worthwhile to scroll down the iPhone Storage list and look at the Last Used: date beneath the title of each app. If you haven’t opened an app in weeks or months, or if it says Never Used, consider uninstalling it.

If you download a lot of apps that are frequently left unused, consider enabling the iPhone Storage menu recommendation to automatically Offload Unused Apps when you’re running low on storage. If you uninstall a purchased app and then decide you want to use it again (and it’s still available in the App Store), simply follow the steps below.

How to Reinstall Deleted Apps

As of now, iOS does not provide an easy way to clear the cache in apps. For example, you may want to keep an app but delete its documents and data from time to time. Hopefully, Apple will include an equivalent option in a future version of iOS, but until then, the methods described above are your best bets for cleaning up the cruft on your iPhone.

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