How to Filter or Sort by Color in Google Sheets.

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When you have a large sheet with a lot of data, the filter and sort options in Google Sheets can help you discover what you’re looking for. If you utilize color to make data stand out, you can use that color to filter or sort your data.

In Google Sheets, you may filter by color.

  • Start by selecting the cells if you wish to filter data so that you only see data that matches your color criteria.
  • Click the Create a Filter button in the toolbar or go to Data > Create a Filter in the menu.
  • A filter button will appear in the column header as a result of this. To apply the filter, click that button.
  • Select Filter by Color with your pointer. Go to Fill Color or Text Color in the pop-out menu and pick a color. As accessible selections, you’ll only see the colors used in your document.
  • Your data will then be updated to only show cells that possess the fill or text color you chose.

In Google Sheets, sort by color.

  • Perhaps you don’t want to filter data but merely want to see it sorted. The Filter tool can also be used to sort data by color.
  • Make sure you’ve selected all of the data you wish to sort before adding a filter. For example, if you have two columns, as in our case, you should select both of them. If you just select one color-related column, the sort will only apply to that column. This results in a data mismatch.
  • To display the filter buttons in the column headers, apply a filter as stated above.
  • Move your cursor to Sort by Color and click the button for the column you wish to sort by. Select a color from the pop-out menu’s Fill Color or Text Color options. Only the colors that appear on your sheet are available.
  • Your data will be updated and sorted by the column and color you choose.

When you’re done, follow the steps above to remove the filter. Remove the filter by selecting Data > Remove Filter from the menu or pressing the Remove Filter button on the toolbar. Keep in mind that your data will stay sorted in this order unless you change it.

Colors can be used for more than just making data in your spreadsheet stand out. Those colors can be used to filter or sort your data as desired.

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