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How to maximize the efficiency of your UPS for home and office usage?

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Power cut-offs and failures are more often these days than these have ever been. Considering numerous electronic appliances and equipment that run at your home or in the office, a power backup has become the need of the hour.

Based on your requirements, you can find several types and models of UPS or inverters in the market. Whether you pick a line-interactive inverter or buy modular ups systems in Australia, modern-day models are highly efficient. Apart from providing power backups, these also filter an assortment of disturbances to provide you steady and uninterrupted supply.

From delivering sensitive loads with clean power storage to supplying critical loads with extra storage capacity, UPS today is used in various environments.

Most of the present-day models are highly efficient in terms of available battery runtime and running cost. However, you can also do a lot to increase efficiency. Here are a few tips to achieve higher productivity with your UPS in your office or at home.

Getting the right size UPS or inverter and operating it onto the right load, is directly linked to optimizing operational efficiency. Most conventional UPS results in lower efficiency with a load lesser than 70-80% of the UPS rating. However, some highly efficient modern-day models can deliver a great efficiency profile with even 25% of the rated load.

Every inverter comes with an ECO mode, also known as the Economy mode or active stand-by mode. This ECO mode of the UPS is its energy efficiency mode.

Specifications of the UPS describe this mode in terms of optimum load  Running a power backup within its ECO mode can boost your energy efficiency up to 98-99%. In this mode, as long as the main supply is intolerance, the inverter is kept off giving you the efficiency boost.

Constant monitoring of UPS operations can be greatly helpful in maintaining its high efficiency. You can choose remote monitoring that helps you keep an eye on alarm conditions using IP/Ethernet network.

This helps you keep a vigil even from a distance. You can establish load patterns and even foresee several issues. Timely rectification of issues that could be related to energy efficiency or operational resilience can be crucial in increasing the overall productivity of the system.

Just like every other system in your house or office, regular maintenance of the UPS system is also crucial. You can schedule that at the time of installation itself. One of the most common reasons for sudden inverter failures is poor maintenance of battery sets.

Every UPS has some consumable parts that need regular inspection. This helps in keeping them in good condition, identifying issues early, preventing major failures, etc. All of these help in boosting the overall performance of the UPS.

Your UPS can have a working lifetime of ten to fifteen years or even more. However, its consumable parts may require replacement and refurbishment more than once during that period. One of the best examples of such a part is the battery set.

Battery sets usually have a lifetime of not more than five years which they serve only if these are properly taken care of. It is advisable to replace the battery set whenever the need to avoid significant damage to the UPS system and the equipment connected to it.

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