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Apple anticipates a surge in interest in App Clips among its consumers

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Launched in September 2020, Apple Clips is still another prestigious feature from the Cupertino brand that has never quite found its audience but which the Apple brand plans to reintroduce very soon.

This feature was introduced with iOS 14 nearly two years ago to allow customers to download app parts smaller than 10 MB. More specifically, App Clips enable you to load just the parts of an application that you need without having to download the whole program.

When it was launched at the height of the pandemic, Apple clips did not meet with the anticipated success, and only a few developers were able to play the game. As of the writing of this article, the Cupertino brand seems to be expecting a resurgence of interest in the app

I think we had the great misfortune of launching the Apps in the middle of a global pandemic that pushed most people indoors and this kind of experience was not at the forefront of their concerns. We saw a huge interest in Apps from the beginning, and many developers came back and said, “you know, we’re waiting a little bit because everyone is at home now”. What we’re seeing now is a renewed interest, and we’re really excited to see some of the things that are on the way for App Clips

from one of Apples Company executives

On the occasion of the release of iOS 16, when the new iPhones will be presented, the manufacturer has already put it in the open that the size restriction for Apps would be increased from 10 to 15 MB. So all that remains is to hope that this is enough to pique iPhone customers’ interest in this function, which may be beneficial in various scenarios.

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