
WhatsApp Updates Last Seen Settings with New Privacy Option

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WhatsApp updates last seen settings with New Privacy Option.

While WhatsApp tries to overtake its rival Telegram, the messaging service also keeps an eye on Telegram’s clones.

The platform, which is owned by Meta, is now testing a new function that is used by apps like GB WhatsApp and FM WhatsApp. These modified WhatsApp versions provide additional customization options that enable you to remain anonymous while you’re online, such as the ability to see your contacts’ status updates incognito without alerting them, and the more crucial option of freezing your last seen.

The option to delay your last seen is coming to WhatsApp. You will be online, but your contacts won’t be aware of your most recent online activity. Earlier this year, the app upgraded its last-seen privacy settings by adding – My Contacts Except, which enables you to choose which contacts may see your last-seen status.

The three options – Everyone, My Contacts, or Nobody – are expanded upon by the new Last Seen status feature.

According to this screenshot from the iOS version, they will really be a new fourth option.

The Android version of this new function will shortly be released.

This implies that downloading a modified program is not necessary for this. This year has been hectic for WhatsApp. Users may now transfer their conversation history from Android to iPhone, including messages, videos, and photographs.

You will soon be able to modify sent text messages using the app. The edit button will be a more effective approach to correcting your spelling mistakes. WhatsApp has implemented a new text status interface and updated the status interface, which now allows rich link preview.

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