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Dating in video chats: can it be seen as a flash of feelings or a more conscious choice?

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Tell us, do you believe in love at first sight?

We are sure that some readers will say, “Yes” with confidence, while other people will say, “No” with the same confidence. Both responses are right and wrong in their way. Interesting, isn’t it?

Today, we will consider the phenomenon of love at first sight from a scientific point of view and demonstrate how it works using a random video chat as an example.

It only takes 3 minutes for a person to fall in love

Helen Fisher is a renowned anthropologist who devoted a significant part of her life to researching the laws of attraction and love. She believes that three minutes is enough for any person to feel strong sympathy for someone and make a decision to let them into one’s life.

Moreover, it has been proven that the hormones responsible for love experiences can reach the brain in as little as ⅕ of a second. This implies that our brain is capable of falling in love almost at lightning speed.

Nonetheless, we understand that everything is not as simple as they seem. In the first seconds of acquaintance, we evaluate only the appearance of a person, and this is logical. At the same time, on a subconscious level, we evaluate its fertility — the ability to give strong and healthy offspring. Beauty is always associated with health in our brains. Subsequently, instincts come into play. A beautiful and healthy person makes a good partner as long as you “understand” the human brain.

However, physical attraction and love are different things. It only takes a couple of moments to create attraction. After that, the process of transformation of attraction into love begins. How long it will last solely depends on the individual.

Dating in video chats and love at first sight

It is obvious that the fastest physical attraction between people occurs when they meet in person. However, on the other hand, in the vast majority of cases offline, this attraction does not lead to anything at all. For example, you are in the subway, and you see a beautiful stranger in front of you. Will you approach that person just for both of you to meet? Most likely not. The attraction could arise and might not lead to further development.

In this regard, random video chat, which connects random users via video, opens up many more opportunities for developing relationships when sympathy arises. Firstly, you see a person in front of you — a primary physical attraction is formed. Next, you evaluate the situation more carefully and pay attention to the voice, demeanor, facial expressions, and details of appearance that you initially ignored. Everything is almost like in real life!

If you are interested in this format of dating and do not know which video chat to choose, we can recommend several popular sites:

As you can see, the choice is quite large. You can easily find the perfect random video chat with interesting interlocutors. A fun pastime is guaranteed. Perhaps, this is where you will meet your future soul mate. Why not try it out?

Are there any disadvantages of video chats in terms of dating and finding love?

In fact, there are, but these shortcomings are typical for all online dating in principle, and not just for random video chats. The fact is that real affection and attraction to a person can arise only offline. It often happens that people who have met online, fall in love, but the first meeting offline dispels this feeling. It could happen vice versa. After meeting online, a person is not sure that the interlocutor is interesting as a potential partner, however, the first meeting might turn everything around; they may fall in love unconsciously.

The fact is that genetics often plays a decisive role in choosing a partner. Yes, it’s true. We subconsciously look for partners who are genetically not too close to us. The reason is the same as thousands of years ago — the desire to produce healthy offspring. As you know, genetically close people have a high risk of having unhealthy children and vice versa.

Interesting fact: our brains evaluate other people’s genetics not only by looks but also by smell. This is a very important point because when meeting on the Internet, you can’t smell a person and catch their pheromones. That’s why we said earlier that true love can’t be formed on the Web. An offline meeting is mandatory, and this fact must be accepted.

However, a random video chat, a dating app, and your favorite social network are perfect for a first acquaintance. Who knows? Perhaps a fleeting attraction will eventually develop into true and sincere love. This is worth trying!

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