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Getting a Building Permit in Kenya: A Comprehensive Guide

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In this process, a building permit is necessary. To start with, a building permit is authorization to start construction on a specific plot of land or make changes to an already-existing building.

Getting a Building Permit: A Comprehensive Guide
Consult a surveyor for a survey plan.
Obtaining a survey plan from a local registered surveyor is the first step. When submitting an application for a building permit, this is necessary.

A survey plan is a written record that precisely measures the boundaries of a plot of land in order to provide its size and description.

You will offer a title deed as evidence of ownership of the land you want to develop before receiving the survey plan.

Obtain a project report from a specialist in the environment.
An environmental specialist will evaluate the project—the house—after you submit a survey plan and write a report.

Obtain approval for the environmental impact.
An environmental impact assessment is performed on every building project in order to determine health risk concerns. After the evaluation is complete, approval is granted.

Architectural plans submitted for approval
The architectural designs of the house are submitted to the local government for approval by the engineer or contractor overseeing the construction process.

The structural plans’ approval
The structural plan is submitted by the engineer or contractor following the acceptance of the design plans. The construction of a building or other structure is outlined in a structural plan.

Get structural and architectural plans officially stamped.
The architect must deliver physical copies of the drawings for the local county government to stamp after the plans have been approved.

Application for Construction Authority project registration
The proposal for the construction project must be registered by the contractor with the construction authorities. Afterwards, he or she will complete out a project registration form with information about the construction job. A compliance certificate will be issued after this is finished.

Construction authority site visits
Following the submission of the application, the construction site is inspected to ensure that it complies with the approved designs and environmental clearance.

The applicant will receive an invoice with the payment amount after this site inspection.

Following this site inspection, the applicant will receive an invoice with the payment amount.

delivery of the payment receipt
A compliance certificate is issued following the construction authority’s inspection and payment.

Without a building permit, what actions may a homeowner take?
You can accomplish a lot of things without a building permit. Among them are

Decorating or painting your home
resurfacing the driveway within your property
The floor covering installation
Building a modest fence to round your property

There are some, nonetheless, for which a permit is required. They are

Wall additions and removals
Repainting your home’s roof
tearing down a section of your home

Building permits have different costs for different local governments. The type and structure you want will also affect the price. However, a building permit typically costs US$240 per square meter.

Certain queries come up, such how much the fine is for construction without a permit or if one may obtain one after the work is completed. Regretfully, failure to comply with the full process and get permits in advance may result in the structure being demolished. Furthermore, the penalties are determined by municipal rules, which are subject to change and may require you to demolish a construction of this kind.

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