MPT Installs Data Centers For Tanzania’s Tigo

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Master Power Technologies (MPT), a company founded in South Africa, specializes in quality backup power solutions where uptime-(time during which a machine, especially a computer, is in operation) is essential. They concentrate on the supply, installation and after sales servicing of a comprehensive range of engineered power solutions. The company identifies and creates solutions for businesses throughout Africa that enables them to increase availability and reliability while saving money and improving efficiency. They have several customers ranging from telecom and banking to mining and heavy industry.

One such customer is Tanzania’s Tigo, who selected MPT to design, manufacture and install a new data center. The job involves project managing the entire procedure and managing the building structure for the data center.

MPT provided an independent, self-reliant data center created from different units, hence why they managed to obtain the tender from Tigo to design, build, and implement a number of news data centers throughout its operating countries such as Rwanda, Senegal and Chad. The project provided by MPT will involve a completely independent power management solution which wouldn’t necessitate use of Tanzania’s national electricity to operate fully.

The project is said to require a 5-module data center, with a sixth module to ensure backup power. The modules were made in 250 m2 containers, while the backup power required a 50 m2 container. These were created by the MPT’s head office in South Africa, which were then taken apart and shipped to Tanzania, for reassembling.

All containers also enjoy a full security solution, which comes with fire detection, intrusion alarms and surveillance cameras.

The overall package is created to be efficient yet cost effective when providing control and monitoring of power. The package created can be used for a multiple functions such as battery management, generator control, and building management.

As such the new data centers with state of the art power management tools will help grow Tigo’s network expansion, while also providing resources for other requirements needed. Also an advantage is that spare data centers can be rented out to other companies. The success rate of the data centers may lure Tigo, into possible future negotiations to install further data centers.

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