Kenya’s Economy Gets A Push From The Weather

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A Treasury official in Kenya said that the country’s economy is set to have a major improvement, a prediction of 5.6 percent growth, due to the good weather.

This will make an improvement from the 4.6 per cent growth of the gross domestic product achieved last year, said Justus Nyamunga, the director of economic affairs at the National Treasury.

The underperforming tourism sector is expected to perform better in this year given that the hotels have recorded increased bookings in the past few months.

It been two months since the World Bank upgraded Kenya’s Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA) rating to 3.9, which is the highest in Sub-Saharan Africa, as a result of its effort to improve policies to boost institutional growth and reduce poverty.

For this reason the sector groups which were launched on that day were expected to come up with proposals and submit them to the Treasury by December 10.

The main reason of the drop in tourism was the elections in March, in relation to that has the government looked at any other possible threats that may come in this recovery period and how far has it gone to improve the country’s disaster management strategies.

Another thing is, what about domestic tourism? has the sector done its part in encouraging domestic tourism, have they made the facilities favourable for that domestic tourist because it really counts.

In the bid to boost tourism, the Kenyan government should also look to improve the Agriculture sector, if we get back our lost export markets our economy will also improve, what happened to exporting coffee? our coffee was among the best. Why are we importing things like sugar yet we can produce them?

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