Orange Gives Volunteers Free High Speed Internet & Opens A Toll-Free Orange Money Account For Westgate Relief

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Orange Kenya has given free high-speed internet connectivity to the Kenya Red Cross Emergency Response Centres at the Visa Oshwal Centre, the Aga Khan and MP Shah Hospitals in Nairobi to allow for reliable, effective and faster communication as part of the Westgate relief initiatives.

The firm has also said, it has set up a toll-free Orange Money account “Orange CSR operational account” (Business No. 222222) to be used by its subscribers to make contributions towards those affected by the Westgate Mall hostage siege.


“These initiatives are part of our solidarity with Kenya and Kenyans as we try to cope with the challenges brought about by the terror attacks at the Westgate Shopping Mall last Saturday,” says company CEO Mickael Ghossein.


For the purpose of this campaign – that is raising money in support of the victims of the Westgate siege – the Orange Money Bill Reference is “Westgate”




  • Select “Orange Money
  • Select “Payments
  • Select “Pay Bill
  • Enter “Business Number” {222222}
  • Enter “Bill Reference” {Westgate}
  • Enter “Amount” {XXXX}
  • Enter “PIN”
  • Confirm


An SMS confirming payment will be sent to the customer. Regular updates on the contributions will be disseminated to the public.


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