ZEduPad, Zambia’s First Educational Tablet Lauches To Make Early Learning Awesome

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zedupadZambia’s first educational tablet dubbed ZEduPad has launched with over 1 1000s of lessons of  Zambian school syllabus and teacher resources.

The touch-screen tablet computer has primary school lessons for Grade 1-7, including early grades in eight local languages, and has many other apps for education, farming and health. Its 1000s of lessons have multi-media sound and graphics covering the entire Zambian school syllabus plus lesson plans for teachers. The tablets also have apps for homework, fun and interactive educational games.

With accounts either for techer’s or pupil’s. The tablet also comes with  an iConnect.zm internet access. The  7″ touch-screen tablet also has a camera, for video and has great sound, its WiFi enabled with restricted safe browsing,  iSchool lessons for the Zambian curriculum and Educational and family-friendly apps and software.

The tablet was launched by iSchool.zm, a Zambian online multi-media eLearning package for Zambian school curriculum with teacher and student plans.  If you are in Zambia and want to pre-order a ZEduPad, for just K1,200, check out their site www.zedupad.com for details.

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