Startup Bus Africa’s GreenBack App Wants to Light up Africa

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GeeBeeStartupBus Africa’s Benedikt Wahler, Maria Paskuda and Clinton Mutambo are working on GreenBack, a revolutionary solution expected to light up homes across Africa

In a statement to TechMoran Mutambo said the GreenBack Initiative, now at Starupbus Africa will mobilize the support a worldwide community of supporters to light up Africa and help African families pave their way to a greener future.

“Today, Sub-Saharan Africa is still the most energy deprived continent. Of 830mn people living there, only 29% have access to electricity,” said Mutambo.

“In rural areas that drops to a sad 12%.  Some 115mn households are left only …with dirty sources of energy and light. And they are expensive: $ 10 per month go to kerosene lamps, candles and the like. A whopping $ 13.8bn, every year! This is where the GreenBack Initiative comes in.”

greenback The team is building an app-powered points scheme that let’s one raise funds and pay for clean, solar energy for African families.
Everytime one purchases at participating sponsors, everytime one checks-in into the app and see an ad, and everytime one donates money or the rewards they have earned at loyalty programs, GreenBack points go to prepurchase energy units for African families.

Users can contribute what they can, where and when they can and in return give back to their communities.


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