Study in Kenya Relaunches Website for Simpler Navigation & Search

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studyinkenyaWebsites are built for use by millions of people in the world. While a great number of users understand basic search and have the patience to search for whatever they are looking for on a site, the majority of users have no minute to waste.

Study in Kenya, an online portal allowing anyone to search for higher education institutions, courses, scholarships and career guidance has redesigned its website, and given it a bold new look and enhanced user experience to make it faster to access information, easier to navigate for users, and easier for us to manage.

“We have streamlined our menus to give you quick access to the items you’re looking for on the homepage to point you in the right direction quickly,” said Janet Ngugi CEO Study In Kenya. “We also have an built a simpler but exhaustive search function with search according to the level of education from PHD, MBA, Undergraduate, Diploma and Certificate offered in the country.”

The new platform, not so different from the old in looks allows users to explore courses offered by institution; e.g. Courses available at University of Nairobi, find opportunities for tertiary education in your county and browse for courses based on the mode [Full/Part time, Distance Learning or Online Based] and search for courses based on their KCSE mean grade

“Users will now be able to compare up to five courses being offered in different institutions. After a user identifies his/her course of interest, they can apply for it online – through the same portal, and even pay application fees using mobile money; knowing the outcome of an application will also be timely. We are doing all this to ensure is a convenient and resourceful tool that saves the user their time and money by enabling one to do all this on the readily available internet,” Ngugi said.

The platform has listed about 3,000 courses from over 45 higher learning institutions in Kenya. The platform promises to expand its online content by working with more registered tertiary institutions to serve users with more updated and accurate course information in local colleges, TVETs and universities.

The platform is also open to advertisers who want to reach out to the higher education community. Colleges can also run  sponsored courses to promote new courses, programs and intakes and also extend their reach and rank higher in search results.

Study in Kenya is not the only such platform. ChuoKikuu, a similar platform launched last year also wants to take the higher education field by storm.


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