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Safaricom is set to tap into the education sector with the introduction of E-learning professional certification for all Kenyans and also offering online learning in professional courses such as information systems security and audits.

The leading telecommunications company is looking to expand its courses to incorporate the needs of many Kenyans who would like to be more efficient and competitive in their workplaces. The programme has been open to Safaricom employees only, now in its third year having 88 per cent gone through it. Bob Collymore however hinted on a plan underway to open the session to all Kenyans in the next two years.

“While we invest more in our technological infrastructure, we have come to terms with the fact that we also need people who can install and manage it so that we can continuously meet market needs in a timely fashion.” Said Collymore

1,390 staff have completed 5,557 out of 7000 modules, which places them above their peers and competitor corporates as well in terms of academic proficiency and skills set. The programme offers special skills in anti-money laundering, information systems security, Oracle certified master and information audits among others.

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