TEAMtalk Media Launches a Sports Journalism Academy in Cape Town

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ttmOle! Media Group (OMG)’S TEAMtalk media,  a sports content and syndication firm has launched a Sports Journalism Academy in collaboration in Cape Town in a move that will see the firm train interns interested in sport and digital media, in the art of capturing sport related data, interpreting it and using it across digital platforms to enhance content.

Launched in partnership with the Western Cape Government, the six-month long programme aims at helping youngsters get employable skills, some of whom might be absorbed by the firm.


“While the world of sport is in itself of growing interest to our audiences around the world, it is the data and statistics that support the disciplines that are garnering their own loyal following” commented OMG’s marketing director, Deseré Orrill. “Online content changes quickly and consumers relish being kept up to date with what is happening in their favourite sports.  The high demand for apps that focus on this is evidence of the trend.”

Although the fascination with numbers is growing, it is the skills to log and interpret the information that require support.  OMG has identified this need but has also recognised it is an ideal opportunity to pass on skills through the training and development of youth who are already digitally savvy but need some additional refinement.

428288_348896098484042_312490894_n “DEDAT are delighted to have been a part of the placement of young interns at a thriving media company like TEAMtalk media. We are confident that they will learn and grow during the six months, and possibly be afforded a full-time position eventually. Chief mentor at TEAMtalk, Jonhenry Wilson, seems more than capable of nurturing and guiding them throughout, helping consolidate their current talents and unearthing new ones,” said Caro Werner, who is assistant director for Workforce Development at the Department of Economic Development and Tourism.

TEAMtalk media’s collaboration with the Western Cape Government’s Work and Skills Programme affords the company the chance to ‘pay it forward’, per se, imparting its substantial knowledge of the world of sports content development and syndication to learners who otherwise would not be exposed to such a dynamic environment.

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