Apple and multinational corporation Samsung have officially renewed their tech patent face off and will today arraign themselves in court for the hearing at federal court in the heart of silicon.
The two technology firms are battling for supremacy in a multi-billion dollar market in a law suit where Apple is seeking about $2billion in damages from Samsung for selling phones and tablets that Apple says violate five of its mobile software patents. However, Samsung on the other hand claims Apple violated two of its patents.
The perpetual war has got Google caught up in the middle considering one of the features in Samsung devices that Apple objects is Android operating system, by far the most popular mobile operating system worldwide; this puts the system at a compromising situation in the case Apple won Google would have to make changes to critical Android features forcing Samsung and other Android phone makers might have to modify phone softwares.
This comes after Samsung lost the case in 2012 and was ordered to pay $930 million in damages. “Instead of pursuing independent product development, Samsung slavishly copied Apple’s innovative technology,” Apple said in its complaint.
“Both in the United States and globally, Apple and Samsung have established themselves as fierce competitors in the smartphone market and fierce adversaries in the courtroom,” said judge Lucy Koh ahead of trial.