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Orange service provider has retorted that a section of the media reports on the ruling made  by the advertising standards committee (ASC) in the case between Scanad Kenya Limited for Safaricom and Access Leo Burnett for Orange Telkom Kenya has led to an inaccurate impression of the overall ruling.

The Advertising Standards Committee (ASC)  recommended that the ‘Do You Know’ advertising campaign by Orange Telkom Kenya be withdrawn from the mediums it is run on or should be re-worded to make it clear; that it is a peak time comparison as opposed to a general comparison with an asterisk in small text to qualify the same.

In a statement, the service provider says it has complied to the standards set by the Code on comparative advertising and most importantly adhered to the ruling given by the Committee

The Integrated telecommunications provider Orange has also initiated negotiations in good faith with Scanad Kenya Limited, and thereafter duly amended the advertisement to include an asterisk with the words, ‘peak rates apply’. With this also being one of the recommendations by the ASC, in its ruling,


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