Pinterest now includes direct messaging feature

Photo Credit: Cnet
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Digital scrapbooking social service Pinterest really wants to be a true social network. The pinning social network said Wednesday it has integrated a messaging feature to let users mutually express their views by sending direct messages.

Users can now reply a pin with a message or still, send back another pin. This will go a long way into making it easier for users to have a ‘good old fashioned conversation about their Pins.’

Several blogs agreed that the new messaging feature opens up the horizon for social network. Cnet said it implies users can now send plan projects and events or exchange ideas and innovations.

Pinterest product designer Tom Watson stated in a blog post:”Say you’re organizing a camping trip with friends — try sending Pins to the whole gang so you can figure out where to go and what meals to make. If you need a reminder of who’s bringing what, just pull up the conversation right from your notifications.

The feature complements the “send a pin” feature integrated earlier this year in May.

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