
IBM InterConnect Kicks off in Las Vegas,spotlight on Hybrid cloud solution

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IBM’s premier technology event IBM InterConnect kicked off in Las Vegas this morning bringing together 21000 attendees among them technology experts, executives from various organizations to discuss on transforming companies through cloud, data, mobile, social, and the Internet of Things.

Setting the ball rolling at the event whose theme was A new way of thinking, IBM’s Vice president Robert Le Blanc whose keynote session centered on the Hybrid cloud solution terming it a key enabler of business process transformation in categories such as healthcare, backing and so on.

“Today, we are launching a new class of hybrid cloud innovations that extend open standards capabilities for the enterprise. This will help break down the barriers between clouds and on premise IT systems, providing clients with control, visibility and security as they utilise the public and private clouds,” said LeBlanc.LEBLANC

According to Le Blanc, the new Hybrid cloud is open by design, comes with freedom of choice as well as visibility control and security.

With the open design that basically entails open APIs, developers will be able to work in an easier manner and record increased productivity as there will be API harmony and cloud portability meaning that one can store data locally or in the cloud then have it processed elsewhere.

“Technology is changing and there will be the disruptor and the disrupted. You are better off if you are the disruptor,” said Le Blanc. “If you don’t advance change, someone else will, engage your organization like you have never before,” he added.

With the hybrid announcement also came that of new services such as DataWorks that help developers to divide and manipulate data sets. Le Blanc also spoke of  orchestration service based on the OpenStack design for computing in hybrid cloud; a Secure Passport Gateway for secure access of data from one point.

So far IBM has invested $1.2 billion in cloud services and now the firm is planning to build SoftLayer’s computing capacity that will entail new cloud centres in Sydney and Montreal to open for business in a month bringing the total number of cloud centres to five in addition to those in Franfurt Germany, Queretaro in Mexico and Tokyo, Japan.

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