Safaricom has been busy; just a few weeks after launching a loan facilty service for its customers with the Kenya Commercial Bank, the company has now branched out and joined the set-top boxes bandwagon expected to be unveiled next month.
The Daily Nation reports that the company has already received the necessary approval from the Communications Authority of Kenya and is in the processof shipping in the first consignment.
The focus for Telco will be offering internet connectivity to all homes with TV sets as the set-top box will operate as a hot spot that viewers can use to connect to the internet.
According to Corporate Affiars Director Nzioka Waita, the decoders which should be in Kenya in three week’s time will be distributed through the firm’s distribution netwrok.

“We have gotten the approval for the set-top box and a vendor’s licence, which now allows us to start selling the devices in Kenya. We are still in talks with the regulator for the award of a broadcasting licence. Hopefully it will come through soon,” Mr Waita said by telephone.
Officials from the CA said they were reviewing Safaricom’s application with a view to concluding the matter soon.