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CS dismisses plans to ban anonymous bloggers, WhatsApp

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Speaking during the Connected Summit held in Diani Kenya, Joe Mucheru CS Ministry of ICT refuted claims that the government plans to ban OTT services and anonymous bloggers in the country.

The CS said the laws in place were first put in place in 2006 and needed review according to the constitution but that didn’t mean banning or negative regulation.

“We’re yet to set up the policy. It’s a debate all over but we are yet to have any laws in place,” he said of OTT services. “We need to review the policy. We started a process last week and based on the outcome we’ll come up with regulations.”

“Bloggers can be bloggers and reporters can be reporters as long as they report what is true. People should be responsible,” he said. “There’s no law to regulate WhatsApp. We haven’t yet decided that this is the policy.”

There have been reports that the ministry is set to ban anonymous bloggers in the country but according to the ministry, this is not the case as the ministry says it’s yet to have any laws to govern blogging and OTT services.

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