Moringa School, Twitter Dev team & AngelHack Firm on Holding Nairobi Tech Week

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You have heard what you heard or read what you read but Moringa School, the Twitter Developer Relations team and AngelHack are firm on holding the inaugural Nairobi Developer Week, a team from TechMoran will attend.

Seems iHub as an entity (not community) is not part of the deal. The current partners say the one week event will bolster the growing tech sector and culminate the support by bringing the world to attention the work of both international and local CTOs and developers behind leading apps and services.

Of course, it’s also a learning and marketing ground for TwitterAngelHack and Moringa and everyone else. These firms and the attends are likely to walk away with significant investment promises or real deals, partners and even new business ideas.

“We are so excited to launch a community-driven tech event focused on developers, tech products and the best innovations in Sub Saharan Africa. Even more so, we’re excited to bring international players like Twitter and Angel Hack and show them the incredible tech products made in the region and facilitate cross-industry and city exchanges. We welcome any forward thinking developer, entrepreneur and stakeholder in the tech sector!”.Audrey Cheng, founder Moringa School.

Nairobi Tech Week will also be hosting #HelloWorld Twitter Tour where we will have twitter developers interacting with Kenyan developers around the Twitter platform. AngelHack the world’s largest and most diverse hacking community will host a 2 day Hackathon at the same event.

And if you love fintech, Kenya’s latest hype after rudimentary M-Pesa, you need to come. There will also be industry players discussing tech trends in biotech, transport, education, agriculture and more. Grab your early bird tickets for the event here.

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