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What is different with the new iPhone 7

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The buzz and fuss about the extraordinary iPhone 7 is still going on with positive criticisms as well as negative ones rustling everywhere we turn. Many wonder like me, what makes the iPhone so expensive or different from the rest or is it just the same but bigger? The question on everyone’s mind is if it’s actually worth it, buying this really expensive phone. So let us analyze it.


  1. The look: looks a lot like the iPhone 6 and 6s. If you pay attention to detail, you probably noticed that the iPhone 6 and 6s has a camera bump that the iPhone 7 doesn’t. The antenna lining curves perfectly around the phone and makes the back of the phone feel smoother.


  1. Colour options: if you’re one of the people who have an iPhone because of the brand, so people need to know you have one then you have can still have the jet black or black color as well as the famous grey color that was used before.


  1. Speed: The speed is impeccable as soon as you switch on your phone the speed is fast. This means that the processor has been improved in such a way that it has four cores meaning everything can now work much faster. From touchID to clicking on apps it all works very fast and smoothly. So the speed is ultimately what you need and more.


  1. Screen: Some iPhone users and critics have complained that the screen resolutions for other iPhones are not good enough. With the iPhone 7, the screen has definitely improved. It simply makes everything better or rather enhanced. This means that even in bright light, you can still be able to read your messages without squinting.


  1. Camera: This is one of the most awed features from the phone, especially from iPhone 7 plus. The 7 plus have two 12-megapixel cameras. For users who have the 6s it would be hard to notice the difference unless they use the iPhone 7 when there is low light. The iPhone 7 can still capture great photos in low light environments when sensors need more time to capture light. This camera would be especially good for photographers as the camera is as good as DSLR cameras.


  1. Headphone: The removal of the headphone jack was a shocker for everyone. However you don’t need to worry as when you buy the iPhone 7, you also get a pair of EarPods and a charger as well. Though the actual phone sound is very loud that you may not need your Bluetooth speakers.


  1. Waterproof: The iPhone 7 is completely waterproofed. So if you’re clumsy then this is the phone suitable for you.


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