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AgroSpaces; Empowering Farmers and Sustaining Livelihoods

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AgroSpaces, founded by Jim Bakoume, is a web and mobile platform that connects the smallholder farmer in the agricultural value chain to a wider online market to trade (sell and buy agricultural produce), access real-time commodity prices across various trading markets in the country, weather forecast for specific locations, farming advice and tips delivered to their mobile phones via SMS and also open source agricultural data aggregation for third parties. AgroSpaces aims to empower the smallholder farmer financially by eliminating the middlemen who buy their commodities at a low price to resell in urban areas for great profits and also connecting farmers with investors to help them easily access finance. AgroSpaces also organize workshops for farmers for them to get directly in touch with experts and also help them easily access finance.

In Africa, agriculture is predominantly an occupation for the aged. Young people shy away from going into farming because of a perceived mindset. AgroSpaces is changing this mindset by making agriculture attractive to the younger generation with the use of technology and innovations thus empowering youth employment in the agricultural sector.

“$30 billion” is the amount Smallholder farmers in Africa lose annually. Middlemen buy farm produce from farmers at cheaper prices and resell them in urban market thus having greater profits. By eliminating the middleman, AgroSpaces connects smallholder farmers to their customers directly online to trade fairly and equitably.

AgroSpaces delivers unrivalled products and services that ensures sustainable food security and accelerate growth in agriculture. AgroSpaces delivers real-time commodity prices from major markets in the country, weather forecast and farming advices to farmers directly on their mobile phone via SMS.

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