Instagram update lets you save live videos and have multi-photo posts.

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Instagram will soon release a feature that will let users save live videos. This feature will come in version 10.12 of the app. It will have a save icon at the top right corner appear immediately after a broadcast ends. The viewer’s tally, comments and likes will not be saved, only the video will. Currently, the functionality rests in the beta app of the social network and will migrate to the official version soon. Companies usually do this to make sure that all bugs and kinks are ironed out before a global roll out. If you are too excited to wait for these new features, you can always download the beta app into your device. Just be tolerant enough to experience the bugs.

This feature comes soon after the company unveiled the feature that lets users attach up to 10 videos and pictures in one post. Now you can share the best pictures of that vacation you just took all in a single post. The feature allows you to put a filter in all the pictures at once or, if you are more particular, you can edit one photo at a time.

To get in on this multi-select fun, all you need to do is update your app. The update is already live in the Google play store and the Apple appstore. In the app you will find a button labelled “select multiple” which will instantly turn your gallery pictures into select-able icons. You can reorder the photos to appear in the sequence you want.

On your news feed, multi-photo posts will be indicated by blue dots at the bottom. As far as captions are concerned, you can only have one to summarize the 10 pictures and videos. All we can do now is wait and see if this update will have a popular usage as the one on Instagram Stories.

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