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Things you should avoid posting on social media when weeping.

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The only thing we are assured of in this life time is death. So let’s talk about it. Death gotta be easy, cause life hard, was it Tupac or 50 cents who sang that?  There is a lot of truth in it. Over the years social media have changed how news of death is announced, personally I have learnt of all deaths of people I used to know through social media, and boy has there been many, I’m scared how fast young guys are dying, life expectancy must have dropped to 30 years. One of my friend has this theory that once you make it past 30, you are on the homestretch to the 80s.

I remember while in high school the first piece of information you were eager to know when we got back home for holiday was who died. If you are in school no one bothered you with such information, all your neighbours could have died and no one bothered get you from school to pay your last respect. Now technology has changed all that, my little sister received a message reading “My mum is dead” from an unknown number which she later identified the sender. It was from the son to one of our previous neighbour. I thought it was a bit emotionless coming from someone who just lost his mother; but I guess there is no better way of saying it.

social post;

Social media is a good tool to announce the news and receive heartfelt messages from friends but in a few occurrences some people have misused it. There should be a golden rule of the don’ts of social media and death.
For examples you should never post a picture of the dead, we feel your pain but honestly we don’t want to see their dead body and most importantly don’t tag people in those pictures. If there is anything we want to see is their happy moments while still alive, something worth remembering them for.

Resist from posting pictures of bloody accident wrecks we have the news for that. Matter of fact you should be helping the injured not filming them, remember the many incidence you have seen irritating picture or videos? Avoid such behaviours.
If your loved ones had connected those apps that automatically post stuff on their timeline, there are guidelines to follow on how to report their death to the relevant social media and have their profiles memorialized.

There is not much we can do about someone losing their loved ones except show them love.


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