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HollaNow Wants To Help You Find Personal and Business Contact Details

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Sometimes, the need to go beyond our phone book arises. Whether it’s getting the contact of old friends we’ve lost contact with, corporate organisations or home service repair men. And during those times, because there’s barely anywhere to search for such, we simply go from friend to friend, neighbour to neighbour, asking if anyone has the contact details we are need of.

This challenge is what HollaNow wants to address.

HollaNow is a smart phonebook that enables users to be a able to search for contacts beyond their smartphones and address books.

To use the platform, users simply search for contact details, including emails and phone numbers of service providers, friends, colleagues or corporate bodies, and dial on the go.

The ‘smart phonebook’ operates in 2-ways. While it allows contacts to be discovered, users can also register their details via the app for others to find. There’s also an interesting feature – Call Note. It allows users to write a short note while placing a call, and this helps to display the purpose of every incoming call.

With the platform, businesses also enjoy a great benefit, as it helps to enhance their visibility.

HollaNow was officially launched on February 5, 2017 by Okonkwo Ikenna, alongside his team Chidi Stanley (Technical Director), Iheruome Michael (Technical Director).

According to the team, over 100 organisation’s contact details have been registered so far. There are also plans to include emergency/ambulance services, government agencies and all important contact details that Nigerians need on their phone book.

Although, HollaNow might have competitors strong competitors, including Truecaller, the founder believes that his previous experience in starting up several unsuccessful companies will be an edge in his play market. Well, experience might probably work for team HollaNow, but constant innovations would work better at helping to stand them out.

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