The battle to end FGM has not been easy, every helpful organization you could think of has tried to stop the problem but the struggle is still alive.
While most teenagers have been studying to make a difference later, five Kenyan girls decided to take on a serious project. The brilliant girls created an app called i-Cut, which was created to give girls access to legal and medical assistance before and after FGM. The app landed them in the Technovation challenge in Silicon Valley where they have been mentored to become better tech entrepreneurs. There have been many cases in the rural areas where women are still been put under this excruciating non-medical procedure.
Despite the fact that the practice has been made illegal many women are forced to get their external genitalia removed.
The i-Cut app is a new form of outreach to girls who are forced to undergo this horrible act. Survivors can now report their violations to the police or even locate rescue centers around them. The idea behind the app is to give girls the chance to be able to prevent FGM or report the illegal act. The app’s interface has five different buttons “help,” “rescue,” “report,” “information on FGM,” and “donate and feedback.” The emotional and physiological implications that come with FGM is greater than most people think, most girls end up dropping out of school and face major health risks. If this app works out, it can eventually put the many girls in this situation out of danger.