PigiaMe Wants to be Kenya’s ‘Gikomba’ Market Online

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PigiaMe, an online classifieds site run by Ringier One Africa Media (ROAM), has launched “uza chap-chap” campaign to help local mwananchi easily declutter their homes and offices via its app.

With the uza chap-chap campaign, PigiaMe aims to drive both online and offline sales of items that are no longer needed by locals and expatriates alike.

Speaking about the new campaign, PigiaMe’s Head of Business Development and Operations, Charles Sabula, said “with the current rise in garage sales and flea markets being organised in popular neighbourhoods, Kenyans are clearly seeking an opportunity to trade anything they no longer need and purchase what they need from each other in a second-hand goods trade. We have provided a platform that is their solution to trading online in a safe platform” 

Serving Kenyans since 2014, the website provides a one stop shop, the website gives Kenyans a one-stop-shop for all the items they need to purchase or sell in an online ‘gikomba market’ setup style. Recently, the firm carried out a survey to motivate sellers and buyers to take advantage of eCommerce and save time and money and grow their businesses quickly unlike using offline shops where they are required to have huge capital upront.

Through the survey, PigiaMe also found that the majority of Kenyans are stuck with items in their houses that they no longer need and would wish to gainfully dispose of them in order to buy what is more practical in their current life. 

The largest affected group is the Kenyan middle class who are stuck with household goods that are still in good condition and would wish to sell them off and buy what they currently need, like selling an infant car seat so they could get a bicycle for their child, or a 17” TV they bought when they moved out on their own for a bigger digital TV. Such household items than can be disposed off via PigiaMe include electronics, furniture, and others.

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