Insert an image, because a picture is worth a thousand words. Roll the credits.
Kidding aside, not reaching a minimum word count feels a lot like hitting a dead end. You may feel unmotivated to even finish your piece or find other words to say – yet when deadlines call, who are we but to answer?
If I were you, I’d think twice before rephrasing that thing I’ve already said five times. As Einstein once put it, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again.” If you’re doing it right, increasing word count takes a lot more than just repeating sentences.
Think of it this way: a bodybuilder wouldn’t just eat any kind of food to build muscle. Similarly, adding bulk to your work should always be quality over quantity. These 5 writing techniques will not only increase your word count but make you write better:
One sure-fire way to increase your word count is by adding examples. Each time you make a statement, always have an example to follow up on your point.
Ex: Social media is like an extension of ourselves. Do you still know someone who doesn’t have Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram accounts?
The use of examples not only adds volume to your work but helps readers understand and visualize your concepts better.
Different perspectives
When writing about certain topics, addressing different sides is important. For example, some people may like pineapple on pizza, but some think it’s disgusting. Others don’t even eat pizza, or just don’t care.
Ex: The new Joker film is receiving wide acclaim for its psychological narrative and Joaquin Phoenix’s masterful portrayal, but the other side of the spectrum claims people just aren’t used to seeing depth in comic book adaptations.
Exploring different views not only add words to your piece, but it balances your work when you elaborate on your topic without bias.
Clarify statements
Similar to the statement-example technique, clarifying sentences not only adds bulk but shows your mastery or grasp of the topic.
Ex: Writing is a discipline as much as it is an art. Although we have the liberty to be creative, form and grammar are still important factors.
In the short blurb above, the first sentence was a somewhat abstract statement. The second sentence clarified the meaning of the first sentence. A good writer knows that not everyone will understand figures of speech or obscure references. Because of this, clarifying statements should be given in your writing.
A good way to catch attention and make a point is through quotations. If you’re writing about music, quoting Bob Marley could be an interesting way of beginning your piece. However, it doesn’t always have to be someone from a related field – as long as you can use it in the context of your piece.
Ex: If I were you, I’d think twice before rephrasing that thing I’ve already said five times. As Einstein once put it, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again.”
Einstein was really more of a science guy than a literature guy, but quoting him strengthened the point made in the first sentence and added an easy 17 words to your piece. You can be creative with your quotations. You can quote song lyrics, fictional characters, your mom, your dog – the possibilities are endless.
Resources not only add content to your work, but they are necessary to make your piece credible.
If you’re writing about the dangers of smoking, citing the World Health Organization on lung cancer data could strengthen your point and persuade readers more. If your topic is on poverty, statistics from UNICEF would make readers visualize the problem better.
Adding resources tells readers that your work isn’t just a self-indulgent opinion, but a well-researched piece with a basis for everything you wrote. In fact, for academic writing, citations are a must.
With these techniques, you can keep your writing from sounding like a broken record. Whether it be for academics or for a presentation, following these methods will make you write on the fly and make your writing be like a persuasive essay. You’ll never have to run out of words to say ever again. With some practice, you’ll be whipping out Pulitzer-worthy manuscripts in no time.