Huawei Coming closer To Dethroning Samsung in Market Share

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Huawei has managed to narrow the smartphone market share gap just a few strides behind Samsung.

Research reveals that, in 2019, Huawei has supplied 251 million units whilst the Korean rival Samsung has shipped 323 units for the same period.

The two tech giants control the highest market share. Huawei controls a market share of about 17. 7 per cent while Samsung leads at 21.3 per cent.

The numbers reveal a high market growth for Huawei up from the 2018 14 per cent market share despite the US ban that has affected it’s market supplies in the region.

However, Huawei has significantly reduced reliance on key Us components.

The company has been the incubative stages of developing the  Harmony Os and Huawei Mobile service.  The OS  has been rolled out in smartwatches.

Huawei Mobile Service is also underway to replace Android and Google Mobile Service in the future if the ban continues.

however possible it is, chances are Huawei might lose a huge market share to restructure before picking up again.

According to the latest forecast report from our Wireless Smartphone Strategies (WSS) service: global smartphone market will maintain the downturn track in 2020 if the US-China trade war and the ban of Huawei continues.

Thre is a high possibility for the global smartphone shipment volume to go down with a  -3 per cent  YoY in 2020.

The market might as well rebound to  +3 per cent  YoY. The likelihood of a global economic recession remains low,

Market Share Predictions

Besides, the gap between Samsung and Huawei is at 3.6  per cent and 4 per cent on the higher side which is a very slim margin. If the US lifts the ban against Huawei. The tech giant will stand a high chance of taking lead in the market share.

By comparison, Huawei finished 2018 with 5.6 per cent less market share than Samsung, which means the Chinese smartphone maker is soon closing the gap.

According to India’s money control blogpost, The hindrance from the US Government has significantly affected Huawei’s performance in western markets.

There seems to be a good chance that Huawei will get access to Google mobile services in the near future. If this closes down, the company’s biggest bottlenecks in the race to become the number one smartphone manufacturer in the world will be removed.

Citing from the blogpost, Huawei records a relentless growth. In 2015, it shipped over 104 million units worldwide. This took it up to number three position on the list with a 5.5 per cent market share. In 2016. The 2019 251 million record sets it high.

With a stable market, Huawei will achieve its goal to dethrone Samsung as the world’s largest smartphone manufacturer by 2021.

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