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ArtCaffe Receives Backlash After Trying To Pay Creatives In Coffee

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What was initially promoted as an opportunity to support and create exposure for creatives, became a heated argument across social media channels.

The Kenyan restaurant chain went to social media to announce a new initiative dubbed #ARTofthecity. The contest is meant to give Kenyan creatives to showcase their artwork. According to Artcaffe, anyone that gets to win is guaranteed of getting some prizes. But the rewards part is clearly what did not sit well with a number of people.

In return for “beautiful, funky, inspiring, stylish, stunning, and striking illustrations by Nairobians” the high-end restaurant chain stated it would reward the artist who designs the best piece of art with free daily coffee for a year, an internship, and exposure.

A majority of Kenyans of Twitter (KOT) were upset by that reward and immediately went into an overdrive trolling Artcaffe and trashing their ‘free daily coffee for a year’ gift.

After several complaints regarding the prizes offered, ArtCaffe changed its terms by offering a monetary incentive. In its place it offered.


  1. A paid internship with the Artcaffe Design Team for 2 months
  2. 100,000 Ksh cash prize OR free daily coffee for a year at the artist’s choice
  3. Exhibit and sell your art in one of our restaurants for 2 months
  4. An artists profile on our website and posts on all social media platforms
  5. Your unique artwork and your name will be the printed design on our take-away cups


  1. 50,000 Ksh cash prize OR free daily coffee for 6 months at the artist’s choice
  2. An artists profile on our website and posts on all social media platforms
  3. Your unique artwork and your name will be the printed design on our takeaway cups


  1. 30,000 Ksh cash prize OR free daily coffee for 3 months at the artist’s choice
  2. An artists profile on our website and posts on all social media platforms
  3. Your unique artwork and your name will be the printed design on our takeaway cups

Is this still good enough, however?

Many creatives still felt that there was a lot more ArtCaffe could do for its winners, while some felt that it was an improvement. You can’t make everyone happy, and many felt that ArtCaffe did not have the right motives or intentions.




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