Communications Authority Of Kenya Contracts 5 Companies To Roll Out Mobile Infrastructure Across The Country

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Communications Authority of Kenya has contracted 5 companies to roll out mobile infrastructure across the country.

101-sub locations will be included in the second phase of this project which has been funded by the Universal Service Fund (USF) which seeks to avail communications services in undeserved areas in Kenya.

Mrs. Mercy Wanjau, Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) Director General said:

“With the additional 101-sub locations earmarked in the second phase, the Authority intends to narrow the gap of those unserved and under-served areas in Kenya by the year 2022.” 

The networks that have been contracted are Safaricom PLC, Airtel Networks Kenya Ltd, American Towers Company (ATC) Kenya Operations Limited, Seal Towers Limited and Alan Dick & Company (East Africa) Limited were awarded the contract to roll out the infrastructure and services in the sub-locations spread across 17 marginalized counties in Kenya.

The sub locations are in Turkana, Baringo, Elgeyo Marakwet, Garrissa, Isiolo, Samburu, Kajiado, Kilifi ,Kitui, Laikipia, West Pokot, Narok, Mandera, Tana River, Wajir, Lamu, and  Marsabit Counties.

Safaricom CEO Peter Ndegwa confirmed that they will be a part of the project:

“This will allow Safaricom to roll out mobile connectivity in 101 sub-locations across the country as we seek to ensure that all areas of Kenya are connected.”

Since the companies have been given the tenders the sub counties will be expecting voice infrastructure, broadband connectivity and in effect open new possibilities to citizens in the beneficiary areas.

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