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How To Use LinkedIn To Grow Your Business


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How to use LinkedIn to grow your business.

For brands, businesses, and entrepreneurs, LinkedIn is a powerful platform for reaching professional audiences. Over the last 12 months, LinkedIn has quietly rolled out a ton of engagement-driving features. With interactive polls, quick reactions, and LinkedIn Stories, the platform is now a go-to destination for professional conversations and interactions.

1: Optimize Your LinkedIn Company Page 
A strong and consistent profile can instantly elevate your brand and encourage users to follow your page.For example, you might want to add a summary line to your page that describes your brand’s purpose or mission. Similarly, it’s a good idea to add an About bio that tells your brand’s story in a concise and captivating way. Consider who your target audience is on LinkedIn, and target your Company Page to them specifically. For example, if you’re mainly targeting potential new hires, you may want to include details about your hiring policies, employee benefits, or team building activities.

2: Delve into LinkedIn Analytics
One of the best ways to attract new followers on any network is to understand what’s working well with your existing audience. And this is especially true for LinkedIn, as a user’s home feed largely comprises the activity of their connections. By understanding the type of posts that drive the highest engagement, you can tailor your strategy to include similar content and build on your success.

3: Add Photos to Your Posts
Like most platforms, LinkedIn is becoming a visual-first platform. Gone are the days of solely text-based posts. Now you can expect to see images and videos at the top of your LinkedIn Home Feed.

4:Embrace LinkedIn’s Engagement-driving Features
Due to their engaging nature, it’s likely that the LinkedIn algorithm prioritizes posts containing images or videos. Plus, images take up more real estate as someone scrolls through their LinkedIn Home Feed — making them an effective way to stand out from the crowd and capture users’ attention. If you’re feeling creative, you can also use LinkedIn’s document feature to share a carousel of images on your LinkedIn page.

5: Share Video Content on LinkedIn 

If you’re looking for a fast-pass ticket to grow your business on LinkedIn, sharing video content is a great place to start. Video content typically captures a viewer’s attention for longer — and the longer a viewer engages with a piece of content, the more likely the LinkedIn algorithm will boost that content to a wider audience.

6: Add Hashtags to Posts

Hashtags act as a gateway for new users to discover your content, so it’s worth popping a few relevant tags at the end of each of your posts. Hashtags are still a relatively new addition to the LinkedIn experience, so it’s not unreasonable to expect more hashtag-powered discoverability features arising in the future.

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